3369984115 Who is calling from 336-998-4115?

Davie County Schools Shady Grove Elementary School Cafeteria

Addresses Asociates:

  • 3437 Us Highway 601 N, Advance, NC. 27006 (William R Davie Elementary School Cafeteria)
  • 3179 Cornatzer Rd, Advance, NC. 27006

Phones Asociates:

  • 3369984115 (William R Davie Elementary School Cafeteria)
  • 3369984115

Link: Call now 3369984115 (William R Davie Elementary School Cafeteria)

Show on map: View on Google maps

*The data shown comes from public sources. If you want to delete or modify information please use our Editing tool.

Address records 3179 Cornatzer Rd, Advance, NC. 27006

Davie County Schools Shady Grove Elementary School Cafeteria (   3369983869)

Shady Grove School (   3369985713)

Shady Grove School (   3369981091)

Shady Grove School (   3369988241)

Shady Grove School (   3369987024)

Shady Grove School Pump Station (   3369982865)

Shady Grove School Main (   3369984719)

YMCA Child Care (   3369406525)

*The data shown comes from public sources. If you want to delete or modify information please use our Editing tool.

Technical information


Type: ICO

Rate Center: ADVANCE

OCN code: 0511


Lata code: 424

Coordinates: 35.9409, -80.4552